Aktiv fra mandag til fredag
Muligheten til å flytte laget ditt fra ett kontinent/land til et nytt land er nå til stede. Vi anbefaler på det sterkeste at du leser denne artikkelen nøye før du stiller spørsmål på forumet. Hvis noen deler av den er uklar, vil dette bli klargjort og endret på for bedre forståelse for alle ProFurgol.com-managere..
Denne nye funksjonen inneholder nyheter som må forklares én etter én:
01. Når du har akseptert budsjetter ER DET INGEN VEI TILBAKE. Dette betyr at hvis du ved en misforståelse eller feil har akseptert å flytte til et land så kan du ikke flytte tilbake fordi det bare et mulig å flytte til ett land/kontinent. Flyttingen kan bare aksepteres fra mandag til fredag i uke etter den siste seriekampen i hver liga. Flyttingen er bare mulig å gjøre når brukeren ikke er pålogget ProFurgol.com i 3-4 minutter. Etter denne perioden har laget blitt flyttet til det nye landet.
02.- Ingen lag blir tvunget til å flytte til et nytt land fordi dette er brukerens opprinnelige land, selv ikke når brukerens land har blitt opprettet i ProFurgol etter at laget ble startet. Når en tysk bruker allerede har spilt i 3 sesonger i den Globale serien, fortjener han fortsatt å få spille i den Globale serien selv om Tyskland er opprettet som eget land. Men når han aksepterer betingelsene for flytting kan han bli flyttet på forespørsel. Igjen: Det er fremdeles frivillig, det er ikke obligatorisk. Han vil ikke bli straffet hvis han bestemmer seg for å ikke flytte.
03.- Brukeren må bo i landet han ønsker at laget hans skal flyttes til (dette blir sjekket). Laget hans må spille i et land/kontinent som Global-PRO eller Amerika.
04.- The move of your country can only happen in the first week of the pre-season. But you can always check how much you must pay for the move to be able to save some money.
05.- The team can't be involved in any sale or purchase. You can do this prior to or after the move. You can't move if you don't comply with these conditions.
06.- A move means that every player who had the nationality of the Continent-Country, who were not called foreigners, be nationalized the new country of destination, when they have not played any match or been called by the continent-country of origin. This makes it a big change for a team that moves, another factor to take into account the cost of the move to any team. In addition to a movement of fans, as can happen when changing the name of our team, stadium or our region.
07.- The team that moves, you lose all historical data accumulated prize and his team during their stay in the Continent-Country, this implies that we start from 0 but with players who had until now, in addition to the funds, employees and the same stadium, built in the new country exclusively for the team that wants to move. Do not lose anything important as Funds, players, employees, Youth, and also move Stadium fans and their status, except that the economic costs are subtracted as the first point to move, besides the loss of fans who do not want to travel new country. The trophies he has won the team also move with, but not the palm of the team but if the players feel it.
08.- After everything said earlier, it is important to take into account the great movement and change that a team make for moving from one country to a continent-Country, as for example an Argentine team from AMERICA that moves to ARGENTINA. This, of course, brings about economic costs and a decline in the number of fans significantly important reason for all of them commented in Section 5, as well as seeking these teams can play in their country of origin without major problems in this sometimes these countries, and if so, be punctual and in a short time is equal to the free market forces and budget for each team, marked by its division, sporting and economic returns.
09.-All teams wanting to move and accept the budget will see their awards counted in advance, will be a concept more in the budget for the move. The awards for advancement or direct promotion will not be accounted for at the time of move as they are not tangible.
10.- The team must have a minimum of 8 players from same the continent in the Senior Team. When giving an estimate the staff may be moved to our own interest, but always bearing in mind that maybe these great players are more valuable if we naturalize them in our country of origin for sport and economical purposes speaking but everyone can and should do his estimations on how he want to make their move, always complying with established standards.
11.- There may be a maximum of 3 teams relocated in a new league or old league that fills up.
12.- We will explain the accounting for expenses to make a move:
12.01.- The move, as works in a stadium or other investments or options, will have a fixed expense for all teams.
12.02.- Fans will be resentful at a 5% lost by a change as brutal as a team performs when moving from one place, you can compare the changing region within a country, which currently brings in an average loss of 10 % Of the total. This value not only tries to have a base but also a logic based on the effort and dedication that makes a club that really wants to change or region wants to move to another country, these are the reasons on which this losing of fans is based.
12.03.- Naturalization of players in the continent, in short all teams may naturalize foreign players to their teams provided when they meet several conditions, which will be held in public in a few weeks. Besides fulfilling these reasons our player will receive the salary of an entire season for effort swear in a new flag and change their nationality to make the team may have more foreign players. Therefore the removal of a team forced to pay all this nationalization once, at a minimum of 8 players which is what must be fulfilled and a maximum of what we have each team. At no time was there that requires some level, but if one wants to remember how interesting it can be to nationalize certain players but this process is expensive but we as if everything is done with head may be for the good of our club.
12.04.- As changes being made are very important and also very bulky, since the administration we are with the obligation to refuse access to templates and options according to a team until they could complete the move. For example was denied access to bid on players, sell players, anything that might change at some point and the club is important not to change before making the move, or break this blockade lasted only a few days when acceptance and move the request for removal of a team, we ask patience.
13.- As budgets can not be accepted until the first week of preseason, for the remainder of the same you can see and check the budget of your move from the new link which is in Technical Secretary, but it can only be accepted when the league finishes. All values that occur in the budget may change if you sell a player, your possible awards will be only definitive in the budget you see once the league is finished.